chloe: the bigness of big
:girls just wanna have fun:
our neighbor above us, gary, left this on our doorstep:

it's awesome. we are so grateful!
tonight we had our close friends jared, rhian and their daughter jaelyn over for some bbq. the girls are really starting to play together and enjoy one another. they eat together and even bathe together. chloe takes the upper hand, but she is 7 months older. they're adorable.

right now, chloe is copying dance moves on sesame street. hilarious. she has such rhythm.
last night, as i was trying to clean up the mess that inevitably resides on the floor following a dinner, chloe quietly went to the hall cabinet, pulled out a rag (one which i normally use to clean various things), and started wiping the floor beneath the table. it was so precious.
i think she was under the weather yesterday because jared said she just fell asleep on the couch for over 2 hours in the morning. maybe most kids do this, but not chloe. she NEVER just falls asleep somewhere. so, last night around 7pm, feeling very tired from such an early nap, she walked into her dark room and waited for me to come in. i guess that was her way of saying, "put me to bed, mom." cool.
she does the signs for water and more. she tries to say agua, but it's still a bit unclear.
she's really been enjoying the almost daily trips to the park. she loves the swing, and going up the slides. this girl has no fear, either.
she's 17 months today.

zoo day
it's been like summer here. yesterday it was seriously about 80. i guess it's sort of nice, although i wouldn't mind a little more cold before the heat.
anyway, since it was such a lovely friday, one in which i didn't have to work (very rare), we decided to make use of our zoo pass. what a perfect afternoon. it was almost hot, but not quite, the zoo was not too crowded and the three of us were able to really be a family. i wish that could happen more.
we got there and had lunch...some overpriced chicken fingers and fries. but chloe loved it. she even ate the raisins. then we started the long trek down the hill, through the aviaries, by the primates, and then back up to the elephants. of course, by this time, chloe was no longer enjoying a casual stroller ride. so, we let her walk. hilarious. mainly because it was jared chasing her.
she was so happy.
all in all, it was a wildly successful.

:messy mess:
chloe is very independent. spend an hour with her and you will understand what we mean.
part of this is her strong will to feed herself. it begins with a utensil, but usually ends up like this:
these are from 2 different eating session, one with chili and one with mangos and spinach. i can't complain, though. at least the kid eats!