
chloe: the bigness of big


need we say more?


:the dry season:

it's been dry. and much to our dismay, the excema is coming back...this time on the legs. poor kid.

she's smart as a whip. she does things that truly make us stop and go, 'oh my gosh!'

what's really funny (but not really funny), is when she knows she's not supposed to do something, or touch something so she'll put something else NEAR that "no-no" item pretending that she's going for the ok item. of course, she'll then do a quick grab for the no-no item.

she loves to have shoes or socks put on her feet. when she sees me pull out the shoes, she'll come over, sit down and put her foot up. so cute.

she really likes to sit in/on things: cabinets, stools, chairs, boxes. we brought her rocking chair out while wheel of fortune was on. she gets in, then gets out. and repeats that many times. until...she decides it's fun to stand on the chair. that quickly ended.

tonight we went out to jack's bbq in hillcrest to celebrate jared's good review at work. the sunlight caught chloe just right.


:ho hum:

apparently herman melville wasn't chloe's cup-o-tea...

photo by jared


:these days:

getting out a lot's nice.

and this photo encapsulates chloe:

this photo was from our short trip to coronado for some happy hour pizza, as you can see by the checkered tablecloth. we wanted to get some shots at sunset, but some windiness set in, and it was a bit cold and cloudy (FINALLY!) to be out near the water. another day...

chloe has this crown that came on her birthday cake from gramma ana, which she has taken quite a liking to. she has figured out that it goes on her head, but not how to make it stay there. when she gets frustrated that she can't make it stay, she comes up to us making the "eh eh eh eh" sound, which is her word for anything when she wants it, and we put it on her. she smiles and we tell her how pretty she is. it's pretty darn cute. the photo isn't loading, so we'll have to post it later.

she also enjoys being upside down, like this:

and finally, another photo from out trip to julian with emily. here they are looking at some curious little holes in the side of a rock:

other than that, chloe continues to enjoy putting things back where they belong, whether it's her blocks in a box, food into my hand that she doesn't want, kitchen items or a block in the toilet. she knows that things go IN things. it's a good start i suppose...