chloe: the bigness of big
i'm a bad mom. i haven't posted in awhile, and i didn't get any photos on thanksgiving. i did bring the camera. somehow, in the midst of my calm (jared volunteered to be "in charge" of chloe) i forgot.
anyway, chloe is a mover and shaker. she never sits still. she's a great kid, smart, funny and loving, but she'll keep you going as long as you'll let her.
she loves doing things like walk from the car to the front door, all by her big self, put her princess crown on and walk around, attempt to navigate the dvd player (which is miraculously still functioning), read any books with animals in them and still loves rachel ray.
she can identify where her belly button is, and where mine is and she's starting to figure out the eyes. she has a few words that we can actually make out. she can say "dad", or "da", "hot", "off" and dog, or "daaa". she's also very adept at letting us know when she's thirsty.
she continues to be an eater, although she is a carb loader. if there's bread within her line of vision, nothing else matters. doesn't really matter what kind, she just loves it.
she's also really started to show signs of emotion and love. she'll grab her favorite books off the shelf and bring them to us to read while she sits in our laps. she very excitedly greets us when we return from work, with open arms and a hug. with jared she screams, "daaaaaaa!" but i think my favorite is how she puts her hand out for me to hold it while we walk into the house. it only lasts for about 5-10 seconds, but she is clearly asking to have her hand held.
thanksgiving was spent with the hoover's (as was last year). the schauermanns cooked, hoovers hosted. good food, games, crisp air, family and a break for me! all in all, a good time.
missed my family, and thought about my sister in africa. can't wait to see her in december! if you're reading this kates, we love you! and chloe misses her aunt katie :)
hope you all had a blessed holiday.
:things in things:
chloe is smart.
maybe she's average...i don't know. but to us, she's amazing.
yesterday she was playing in our closet, a walk-in, which she occasionally likes to treat like her little house and close the door. i was still in bed, trying to get up, when she comes walking out with 3 green shirts from jared's drawer. now, because i do a lot of laundry, i know that they weren't just sitting on top. she had to have dug for those 3 shirts. honestly, i didn't even know he owned 3, nearly identically green shirts!
this morning the smartness continued. i folded laundry and was taking it back to the room in shifts. she decided to help expedite the process by bringing me some socks from the basket. very helpful.
then, as i was cleaning bathrooms, changing trash, etc., she started pulling the tp roll. not good. i stopped her while she only had a little bit of it. she walked over to the little bathroom trash, opened the lid, and put in a scrap of toilet paper. so smart!
i don't know what i did to breed such intelligence, and such a great work ethic in my nearly 14 month old, but God bless her. i can only pray that she'll be this dilligent when she's 14.
some shots my dad took last saturday at great gma ana's: