:chicken on a bike:
i've had many photos waiting to be edited, and have finally been able to work a few.
chloe has a new toy...a bike! she rode a friend's bike and loved it. since she's obviously still a bit small, jared bought her a radio flyer trike, with a detachable bar. she can't quite pedal herself, so we push her. it's great. it's like a stroller, but more interactive.
she spent all day yesterday with her san diego family, the hoovers. they VERY graciously took her while jared and i went to a dodger game in LA with my dad for father's day. she had such a blast that i'm not sure she wanted to come home. it was a great day for all.
she talks a lot. she's at that stage where she tries to copy many things we say. she also tells us when she has pee pee or poo poo. one step closer to the all glorious potty!
here are some recent photos, including one taken by chloe!