the lady upstairs just walked by our patio and gave a disapproving look. we were warned about flo. apparently we're not living up to her standards. ah well.
anyway, last night was nice. chloe only woke up once, and although i only got 6 1/2 hours of sleep, i felt very refreshed come morning. we made jared waffles and homemade whipped cream, which was more my delight than his. we walked him to work in the very warm sunshine and as we walked back up our street, chloe met her first friend. a very nice man standing outside his house stopped to compliment my stroller, we began talking and met his baby boy, kaleo (sp?). he was a cute kid...very smiley. i forget the man's name...maybe george? or is that the bulldog next door? anyway, we chatted for a minute over baby stuff, he complimented chloe on her infamous lips and said we were always welcome. that was nice. we love having a community, a neighborhood to explore.
now we're home, chloe is finishing a nap in her carseat while i wait for the floors to dry. oh the life of a housewife. it's kinda nice.
last night chloe showed her independence and curiousity. i had her on my lap while i was eating and she persistently tried to grab the bowl. everytime i lifted the fork away from the bowl, she'd dive in with her hand and attempt to pull the bowl towards her. she knows. it's incredible how much she has developed just in the past 2 weeks.
today, or maybe sometime this week we are going to introduce some solid foods. it's a bit scary, and exciting. the thought of our little chloe sitting up in her highchair, throwing food on the walls and getting more mush on her cheeks than in her mouth just sounds lovely. no, really, it's exciting. i look forward to making her food and giving her nourishment and just having more fun with her. i love watching her mature and she loves to act like she's mature. isn't that the story of life?