:the chloe gardener:
friday was one of the best days. jared had a much needed day off, it was a perfect so cal spring day, baseball was on, and we gardened. we have a bunch of pots that our landlord left with nothing in them. so, off we went to the oldest nursery (so they claim) in san diego, mission hills nursery. how lovely! i wish i had a camera to capture all the colors and her first experience with plants. it is truly a blessing to live in such a verdant, temperate climate.
chloe is finally sitting up. she's a bit late on that, but she's able to do it for a good amount of time. she still has a few boo boo's and falls backwards. but basically, she's set. she loves her little toys and is getting so mature. she snuggles me now, which is very special. unfortunately for everyone else who loves her, she is not so loving. it's all about mom.
chloe also lost her voice recently. not completely, but just enough to make her sound a bit hoarse. she can still make plenty of noise!
otherwise, business as usual. i guess that's better than bad news :)

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