
chloe: the bigness of big


:bored, so i write:

chloe is asleep. happy to report that she has been a good sleeper for the past few nights. last night, she only awoke for a brief time at 5:30am. i didn't feed her, but just let her fall back to sleep until about 6:30. i wish that i could say i never woke up until she did, but there were a couple times that i awoke wondering why she hadn't fussed yet, and if she was ok. she likes to get her head in the corner of the crib and burrow in, which scares me. but, she is just fine :)

other than that, no news to report. honestly, status quo is ok for us. i'd like to bask in one stage for a bit longer. i realize that's a bit much to ask, as kids seem to be ever evolving.

in about a month, our good friends jared and rhian from church, and who live just down the street, are expecting their first child! we can't wait! rhian and i go on walks at least once a week and i look forward to the time when chloe will have a little buddy to play with. and i can't wait to share in the excitement, and struggles with someone else who is so close.

anyway, life moves on...



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