well, before anything else, i must say thank you for the prayers regarding the marathon. this past weekend i completed it, albeit a bit slow. i still squeezed it in before the 7 hour limit, though. and no, i never want to do one again. i did it, i feel satisfied and that's the end of that! all in all, though, an amazing, rewarding and enlightening experience for all.
sorry for the slow down in posts. just not a lot of time or content, i guess.
chloe has had some developments. obviously she is standing in her crib, crawling up on whatever we allow her to. she also says "uh-oh". i wouldn't really classify it as a first word, but she is clearly mimicing us. it's exciting. and just today, finally, her bottom gum cracked with the emergence of the very tip of a tooth.
she continues to be the sweetest thing in the world, simply by being "chloe".

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