:gracias para todo:
it's been a long weekend. learning how to juggle the holidays, new/more family and a child are challenging. we had a good time seeing family, sharing chloe and now, getting some time with just the three of us, with nothing to do on a sunday...a very rare thing indeed.
we dedicated chloe at church. it was very special because all of our family (except tia melody and tio freddie, whom we greatly missed!) came to share the time with us. we were very touched and are so, so blessed. thank you to everyone.

i think all the commotion has thrown chloe a bit off. she hasn't been sleeping through the night. she hasn't been horrible, but it's been harder on me, especially coupled with holiday stress. i could really use some extra sleep. she doesn't cry, which is a blessing.

saturday she slept all night. awesome. the two nights before that, she woke up around 3 to eat. what we've learned is that if she eats between 7 and 8, she'll only sleep until 3 or 4. if we give her the last feeding after 9 pm, she's more likely to make it until at least 5am. the bad part about feeding later is that she likes to have play time afterwards. it's hard to get her to peacefully, and easily go to sleep (which she normally does) unless she's tired herself out. so, i end up staying up past 10 until i put her to bed. that darn late feeding. hoping to eliminate that soon.

her hair is returning, and she's looking more "adult". her eyes are becoming rich and chocolaty, like mom's. she still has the little bed bald spot which i'm not really sure how to remedy. if she can only sleep on her back, then i suppose it's harmless.
looking forward to a day of rain so chloe can observe the drops.

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