:the crazy things she does:
this week has been another of firsts, although, not really the firsts that we typically think of.
it started as a normal week- shopping, playing, taking walks, etc.
monday we attended a silent laurel and hardy movie at the balboa park organ pavilion with our community group. chloe had some trouble seeing so she tried on my glasses:

then, apparently chloe wanted to experience, again, her birth, but in a different fashion. so, she did this:

i know the picture is bad. it was blurry and i tried to touch it up, but you get the idea. how she got there, we don't know. we were watching tv one minute, and the next, we turn around to find her tunneling into the pouch under the stroller. but, like everything she does, once is simply not enough. she attempted to go back. we decided it wasn't in her best interest to reenact her birth via stroller.
but, i think the highlight of the week had to be the poop incident. chloe still wears her cloth diapers, but has now figured out how to take it off. when i put her down for a nap last week, i forgot about this and let her sleep. she woke up early, cried for awhile, and started to go back to sleep. but she still seemed fussy. finally, i figured i'd better check on her. i opened the door and there was my precious sitting in her crib, surrounded by little balls of poop and with poop smashed between her fingers. i, of course, was mortified and worried. i felt horrible for forgetting to put pants on her. i freaked and just picked her up, while she's screaming, and put her in the bath, shirt and all. she kept trying to put her fingers in her mouth while i was trying to clean her without getting poo on myself. eventually, we got the situation under control. unfortunately for jared, i hadn't the chance to clean up the crib before he got home, and he ended up with that job. sorry :( i worried that she may have eaten poop and would get sick, but she didn't. let's just say i'll be more careful.
on with the week...
saturday we got our new couch delivered from ikea, and chloe was insistent on helping jared put it together...so she did:

we love the couch; especially jared. we never fell asleep on our other one. yesterday, we peacefully slept for a whole 15 minutes.
to wrap up the week, chloe got cozy with dad. it was a good way to end a sometimes turbulent week of firsts. but she survived.

it'll be interesting to see what this week holds...
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