:finding a home:
today was a good day. the three of us went house hunting for a 2 bedroom place. we are happy to have found a cute little 1924 house in hillcrest with everything we want. the guy said he'd give us priority, so let's hope that he was serious. if so, we could be in there by the end of the year...maybe even by Christmas!
so, you know you're a mom when you're walking into the grocery store in sweats and tennis shoes, and you look down to see baby puke on your shirt. yeah. that was me today. i kinda smiled about it.
while chloe and i were waiting out the fumigation fiasco last night, aunt emily was kind enough to allow us to hang out. she also enjoyed chloe's company...congrats to her brother nathan and his wife on their pregnancy! yeah. cousins for chloe!

we're adjusting to the whole kid thing. somedays it's more difficult than others. being married and having a kid is certainly a challenge that i think people underestimate. i can see how moms and dads just get overwhelmed. we are working to set up a way to have date nights or set aside for ourselves. chloe is, of course, a priority. but we want her to have a happy mom and dad, too. we are looking forward to our anniversary to the del coronado. can't wait!
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