our first fathers' and mothers' days have come and gone. we are blessed.
i love to watch jared really enjoying his daughter. she's warmed up to him a lot, which makes us all feel good. she loves to climb on daddy in the morning when we're all in bed. he does these chloe presses that she loves. and he's started feeding her more.
being a parent is so much better (i'm assuming) when you have a willing, supportive partner. i am thankful for that.
father's day was very nice. went to church for the first time in weeks. had bj's for lunch. played catch at the park, thanks to the graciousness of the nice man who gave us a baseball for free from his shop (jared went and paid him back yesterday). had a bbq with jared n., rhian and jaelyn (see photo below). went to bed full and ready for another week. i suppose that's all you can ask for.
life is good.
below are some photos jared took with my nikon on our south park walk last week. if you couldn't tell, they're film. love the film...richer colors, sharper edges, no weird square pixels. so beautiful, i didn't have to edit a thing.

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